Some realms may only consist of a singularly inhabited plane or planet. The balance of each realm's cosmos varies, some so fine-tuned that for life to exist in one place, no where else can permit life to begin.
I found one such realm, or so at first I thought. A singular world existing soley in a void of stars.
But, as I was preparing to continue on my voyage, I became aware that here, scattered amongst the black, were a minute doting of interstellar homes.
The balance of the stars here allowed for habitable worlds to the ratio of 1 per galaxy, a 1:1.
Journal Notes: (1:1 meaning 1 world per galaxy, 1;1 meaning 1 world per galactic spiral, 1=1 meaning 1 world per system)
A billion stars to each galactic heart, most with a system of their own, spiraling around in a complex dance. The gentle pull and sway of the universe allowing for the perfect conditions to kick off life in but one of those systems.
One would assume these dispersed globes would be solitary, but to my surprise there is a network connecting them. Hyperlanes into the heart of every galaxy create a unique travel system across this reality.