It is here we begin our journey. These are the notes and findings as continuouslly chronicled by an un-named traveller known to skipper those looking to traverse realms at some point lost in the neverytime.
The ever-changing manifest of energy and possibility that lie between realms is known as the Spime. It is the potential of everything that ever could be and never was, forever folding and fractaling as a strange and turbulent astral sea that forms the realms it unites.
The spime can exist almost pleasantly as long bouts of calm conditions are often found. But as weather patterns of our worlds change, so too can the form of the seas of essence. Great walls and tunnelways of many forms can manifest of the aether with little notice. At times it may feel like one is drifting on rippling waves, while at others it would seem like a rushing whirlwind may rip you apart.
While there is skepticism on the subject, entities most definitely exist both in and of the Spime. Not just beings that take to life out in the omniseas, but perpetually existing consciousness that, if not born of the spime, has adapted to survive in it. Some of these entities it would seem are created from the quintessence of some aspect of reality. Think of beings formed of the aspects hate, or of luck, of technology, or inconvenience.
What is a realm?
A realm is a localized materialization of spime, condensed around a temporal plane. Realms are unique in that they are dictated by their specific arrangements and their traits may vary greatly. Traversing between them is often disorienting, and travellers will describe it as being akin to wearing glasses of different colors, magnifications, and distortions at first. Entering each realm includes bypassing the veil.
Realm clusters
While the realm is everfolding and omnifractaling, these are the accounts of the 64 repeatably documented known realms. As the ebbing and flowing tides of an ocean reveal lands, so too may realms periodically seem accessible before vanishing. Think of these journals as an accounting of our bottle-nexus, floating in that sea. While some foam flows in and out, the majority of the contents stay relative to each other.
The Veil
The veil is the great filter, the one place that adheres the realms to the spime. It is the confluence of everything and nothing meet. It is the place one goes when they dream. When one dies, and when they are born, it is in the veil all things form. Learning to consciously traverse the veil is often the first step for those becoming travellers. Here it is possible to get glimpses of other realms and confer across time, as oracles may traverse here often.
the null/Naught/Void
While the Spime is a constant state of creation, so too sits this void. the null lay between a realm and its Antis counterpart. it is believed some perversion of antilife exists here. (the null is always lower-case. Please note "the" is also lowercase, in every instance, regardless of anything.)
A result of the libratic laws of balance that give the spime structure, the Antis is best described as a "mirror world". Each realm has it's Antis version, and many beings are thought likely to have a counterpart. Antis realms exist across the null. If the spime is a light in the center of everything, the Antis is the reflection on the wall (and the shadows, the null).
Jaunting the Spime
- Veil-Walking
This is the term for those who are able to travel between realms via the veil
- Astral Projecting
This involves separating the mind and body, in which consciousness purposefully leaves ones physical form. Your ethereal form can see the physical realm, but interacting with it is quite difficult. Accessing the veil is possible, so dream walking is a form of astral projection. It is here, the dead are often seen.
This is the term for those who are able to travel between realms via the veil
This involves separating the mind and body, in which consciousness purposefully leaves ones physical form. Your ethereal form can see the physical realm, but interacting with it is quite difficult. Accessing the veil is possible, so dream walking is a form of astral projection. It is here, the dead are often seen.
Ships, vehicles, and craft that are capable of jaunting the veil are referred to as drifters. They are diverse and vary greatly in not only style, but in function as well. Most, however, utilize some form of spimecone in conjunction with a reality field generator. Drifters navigate the flowing spimewaves, focusing in on their destination by locating the appropriate Realm Gate Resonance Buoys. The Transrealm-inhibitor does this by filtering out all other realms from possible routes and guides the drifter in. Easy.TETHERING
In some realms, either by magic or technology, beings have developed the ability to perform a limited kind of veil-walking. Some versions create a temporary analogue that resides in the veil that may perform basic commands. Others have manufactured a type of "broadcasting anchor" that offers temporary access to the veil, transmitted back by various mediums.- Glob-Hopping
What is a jaunter?
Other terms to define:
Hyper-Spatial, Exxtra-Dimensional beings, Local Entities - Ghosts, Demons, "Gods", etc;